Friday, December 5, 2008

sitting, waiting, wishing

"good things come to those who wait."
- some incredibly lonely person

so that's it.

i finally sent off "ambrosia" after three or four revisions and tons of advice from my friends.

it was weird when i finally got it down to the 500 word limit and re-read it and found that it was so different from how it first came out of my head and i loved it then. but i still love the final version.

what bummed me out was that results won't be made until august 2009. AUGUST?!?

that's in forever.

i don't have that kind of patience. i want to be declared the winner now! or find out i'm a pathetic loser whose story is not worthy of meg cabot's love lol

but the best thing after sending off a story is, of course, to keep writing and start something else.

i'm tempted to try and write another quick story since you can submit as many entries as you want.. but i don't know if its worth it. i spent 2 months on "ambrosia."

i think it's best i get back to my children's novel, currently being called Ayrugal, after the main kingdom.

i know, i know it sounds like Eragon, but it's nothing like it and it wasn't my fault.

it's just hard to write that story because there's so much i don't know about the whole world and the plot; it feels like when you're walking around in the dark and you'd rather just stand and wait for it to get more light so you can keep going.

but i'm pushing through, hoping things clear up. i really like the idea of the story and i really want to finish. doing this writing workshop last summer was an amazing catalyst for Ayrugal, even though i failed to finish the 50,000 word goal. epic fail :]

so in between watching Chuck( why does no one know about this hilarious show???), catching up on a month's worth of Heroes(it is actually good now, people, stop freaking out. i know this because the last episode i watched, my mouth was open in the closing credits, which is a good sign of awesomeness) and figuring out stupid Calculus, i will continue to write in my journal and await the news from Seventeen.


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