Wednesday, December 31, 2008

new year resolutions

" If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." ~Toni Morrison

a new year is here, full of new ideas, a new president and new books. so in tradition of making new resolutions that never are fulfilled, i'll attempt to make a few of the changes and/or improvements i'd like to make in 2009, both writing and non-writing related.

1. Write 10 minutes each day, no matter what, whether it's a story or poem etc.
2. Finish writing either Ayrugal, Ambrosia, or Amirah Hassen (why do all my stories start with the letter A??)
3.Enter the Your Story contest from Writer's Digest.
4. Find another celebrity to interview

1. Keep up my grades and avoid senioritis. (very very difficult)
2. Go to the gym three times a week or treadmill at home. (i'm motivated during break, but during school, i have no energy sadly. that's why i'm destined to be a writer with all the practice i have sitting on my butt all day)
3. Practice the guitar more, so I can actually play songs and not just chords lol
4. Convince my parents to go to London this summer on my own

i hope this year was good to your writing and if it wasn't that you're prepared and optimistic for whatever the next year brings.
Writing feels like a solitary journey, but looking for inspiration and advice of other writers helps so much. I know reading about published authors who go through the same cycle of writer's block, frustration and doubt with the writing process motivates me to keep trying because it's not just me. it's connecting to your inner soul and pushing the imagination to such a high level that makes writing so difficult and thrilling at the same time.
if you haven't thought about writing before, i suggest you do because it's one of the best things to do for yourself next to yoga, massages and eating a slice of cheesecake:)

see you in 2009!

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