Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Twitter Writing Prompt: Gandhi Tweets

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Remember the prompt I posted last time:Write the tweets of your dead hero, a dead historical figure, or a long-passed literary great.

I decided to write 5 tweets by.... Gandhi!

- an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. maybe that's why no one sees the dark path we are all going down...
-praying and fasting for pakistan. please send whatever $$ you can. we must all work together to relieve the devastation. does anybody care?
-i'm thinking about switching from glasses to contacts. what do you all think?
- spent a wonderful day picking up trash in the river that i didn't even notice the time. i almost missed today's episode of Oprah.
- this ground zero mosque story deeply saddens me. where is the satya, the truth? why must we fight and turn against our fellow man?

Hmm that was interesting, but actually hard! I didn't want to just simply use quotes by him or be too stereotypical, but I think I did allright.

Here's the next prompt:Log on to a news website, and match up three random words from three article headlines to use in a story of your own.

For example, via CNN this morning, I could have used “billion,” “targeted” and “swans” from the following headlines*:

“Half a billion eggs recalled in 17 states”
“WikiLeaks founder: I was targeted”
“Sell queen's swans, Briton suggests”

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